MU Legend has received a new content expansion. Called Gates of Glory, the expansion brings a number of new features into the game including the Black Phantom class, a powerful female mage that is a specialist in AoE damage.
The update also includes:
- a continuation of the story
- two new locations: Noria and Litenberg
- level cap increase to 80
- three new dungeons
- the addition of Ancient Tier 5 Wings
- crafted Unique Weapon Chest that can yield Level 80 Unique Weapons
- the addition of the Rebirth system
- improvements to several systems
- class balance and monster adjustments
To celebrate the arrival of the Gates of Glory update, the MU Legend team has arranged various events: players can look forward to the Black Phantom's Fortune event that rewards the achievement of level goals with Bound Redzen, and to the Invite Your Friends event that encourages playing MU Legend together with friends through giftboxes and level rewards. A Black Phantom Special Attendance Event, Support Chests for new and returning users as well as Noria's Expedition Note Part 2 will provide players with valuable growth support items, and server buffs will increase EXP and drop rates even more for fast levelling up.
Learn more on the MU Legend site.