Mortal Online 2 has a brand new update and with this patch, Star Vault added several points of interest, new vendors to all cities, the ability to buy orders via the trade broker, some changes to our allies, and a bunch of fixes and changes.
This update is mostly a functional one, although there is some new content in the form of points of interest, new alchemy effects you can obtain, Transmutation flux now available in The Etherworld, and more. The alchemy effects let you change your character’s height, weight, and age if you’re feeling a bit bored with your current character and want a new look.
The update added Trinkets, and it also put new vendors in each city. You can find Enchantment Supplies and Enchantment Cognoscente vendors wherever you find a city. You can also now have buy orders through the trade broker.
There are other changes affecting a few of the game’s systems. You’ll be able to make allies while you’re at war and have a small increase in the chance to catch a legendary fish. Speaking of war, the War Combatant debuff has been reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes, and you'll only get that debuff if the target isn’t a criminal at that time and also not local gray to you. Some of the fixes in this patch also have to do with war, like fixing an alliance and war declarations bug where the declaration could fail and a bug that was giving murder counts from killing guild war enemies.
There are also a number of fixes in the patch. While some of the fixes are typos or description updates, some are much more practical. House access wasn't working as intended so this patch fixes that. You’ll be able to use the new alchemy functions to change your character age with correct attributes and caps assigned. Several bugs fixes were those affecting war and allies.
For the full patch notes, head to Mortal Online 2.