Mortal Online 2 looks to target a beta later this year, while the latest Combat Alpha patch brings about several changes and fixes.
The beta announcement is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it notification on the bottom the site simply stating,
“Later this year we will be running an open stress test phase. Sign up now to get a free steam key when the test starts.”
In fact, you can sign up for beta as well. Elsewhere, patch notes for the ongoing Combat Alpha were published, mainly bringing several fixes in addition to changes. There are a few changes to hard charge, namely, it’s now static for one extra second for all weapons. Additionally, it’ll take two seconds before hard charge begins to lose power. This was increased from one second previously. Moreover, you’ll lose power every two seconds when you hold hard charge for too long.
A bunch of fixes were implemented as well, including:
- The charge circle will now visually update when losing power from holding a charge for too long.
- Fixed another charge animation stuck bug.
- Fixed an issue where changing weapons could mix up different weapon animations and their stats.
- Fixed an issue with being able to change gear while being in mercy mode.
- Fixed getting stuck in trees inside Fabernum.
- Fixed some trees that could disappear on low foliage settings.
- Fixed an issue with weapon swing trails being all white.