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Mortal Online 2 Sprint Patch 9 PTR is Live, With Technical, Backend, and Territory Guard Tower Changes

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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Mortal Online 2’s Sprint patch 9 PTR is now live. You can help the team test out the upcoming patch, which is mostly focused on optimizations, shoring up the backend, technical changes, and a number of fixes.

The new patch is the first from the most-recently revealed roadmap to get a test. Major features include a new in-game survey option that will let the team ask survey questions  when you log in.  The PTR build features some simple questions to get started, but we can expect the team to use this to gauge the temperature after updates and to get feedback on important changes. There are also a number of level streaming optimizations that should help with smoother travel in the world. 

The patch also contains FOV changes, upping the maximum FOV from 110 to 120, and  enabling the ‘maintain vertical field of view” option by default. This makes the vertical view space fixed on all resolutions. Star Vault does ask those who were using different resolutions before to maximize view space to see if they can still make it work with these changes. They’re looking for feedback on the new maximum FOV from all.

Other changes in the PTR build include bug fixes and adjustments that affect players at war with each other. Some of them go several layers deep, so they want to give feedback and test them to make sure that they're all working as intended. Examples given are things like attacking a player that you're at war with, that is also a criminal, without getting the war combatant debuff.

Territory guard towers have gotten changes that actually enable them to work as the team originally intended. They're going to spawn guild guards only if there's a fully constructed barracks within 50m. So if you have guard towers spread out in the world but there aren't any barracks nearby, the guards won't respawn if they are killed. They won't despawn, however, so if you have time to get out there and build a barracks, you should. They know it's a “rather sensitive change”, so the testing is necessary to help them work out any issues as everyone adjusts to the way they will work going forward.

The full patch notes shed light on some of the individual bugs and issues that the Mortal Online 2 team is addressing in the patch and what you can look out or if you choose to jump into the PTR.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.