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Mortal Online 2 Roadmap Announces Adrenaline System, Combat Abilities, & Technical Improvements

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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Mortal Online 2’s new roadmap is here, along with details on sprint patch #9 and next week’s PTR to test it, and big new systems and major changes in 10 and 11.

Sprint patch 9 is more of a technical patch so there are several key components for it. Server optimization and backend work is the first part, including client and server performance improvements and fixing related issues, like stuttering while traveling in the world. The work on the back end will also introduce a system that allows for in-game survey questions to allow you to give quick feedback to the team on various topics.  The patch will have two changes to the video settings. 

The PTR for this patch  will begin on January 29th.

The roadmap also includes outlines for sprint patches 10 and 11, which we’ll get more details on and tests sometime in the future. 

Patch 10 will feature updates to the AI, particularly in the PvE experience and invasions. Star Vault plans to have AI invasions that will allow for NPCs to spawn in one area of the map and then slowly multiply over time to turn into a large number. They are being very vague on this. 

Sprint 10 will also introduce a brand new system, The Adrenaline System. It's a feature that is related to combat, and the Combat Abilities feature, which will specifically arrive in sprint patch 11. Adrenaline  is going to be a new resource that you'll generate through fighting and then you can spend it in ways that will be beneficial for you. Generated through fighting means by dealing, and receiving damage. “The amount of Adrenaline gained by receiving damage or parrying is currently planned to be greater than the amount gained by dealing damage.” 

One of the other ways that this system will change the Mortal Online 2 experience is by allowing for a new type of finishing move. These will be “Synchronized animations and effects which you can activate on a player in mercy mode to kill them in a satisfying way while also generating a decent amount of Adrenaline as a reward”.

Sprint patch 11 will introduce the Combat Abilities feature, which the team has discussed before, but now they have a window for it. This will, as mentioned, tie into Adrenaline, Since you will have to generate adrenaline in order to perform these combat abilities. Plans are for these to be different for each weapon group, giving an example of a cleave move that strikes multiple enemies for axes. Not all of the combat abilities will be attacks, as there are plans for some that buff you.  If you're concerned that these will be like adding an Ultimate, they say that these are designed to be used frequently so they're not going to be overpowering.

Also coming in patch 11 will be updates in new AI technology and overhauls to Territory Control. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.