Today starting at 1:00 EST, players can come join the developers as they show off the new update The Great Hunt for Mortal Online 2. Players will get to participate in the Great Hunt Competition which will begin today and run for several hours. The reward for competing and ranking in the top three are Alpha Keys.
The Great Hunt requires that players kill as many springboks as possible before the end of the event. The rewards available are below:
- First Place = 5 Alpha Keys
- Second Place = 3 Alpha Keys
- Third Place = 1 Alpha Key
After the great hunt, players will then be able to participate in a large-scale team fight taking place in the village of Bakti. The Great Hunt starts at 1:30 EST and ends 3:30 EST. The Team Battle starts at 4:00 EST and does not have an end time currently. You can check out the stream at the link here.