With the recent announcement that the Age of Sorcery is about to begin in Conan Exiles, there was some info on what this means. Dark magic is coming, and it will change the game, but there’s a lot of depth to the systems, and the Funcom team has a new blog diving deep into how it will work.
The devblog is called “Sacrifice and Power”, and succinctly ties together the basics of just how one might go about accessing these new systems and for what ends. The Funcom team wanted to be sure to line up with Robert E. Howard’s stories, so it isn’t going to look like wizards slinging spells or pyrotechnics, but a system involving sacrifices and brutality. It’s all very deliberate, so if you set yourself along this path, you do so with intent.
“Should you take the path of corruption, you will choose the dominion of demons and ritual sacrifice, where power requires preparation. Raise the dead, conjure darkness and ice, and summon demons to tear apart those who oppose you.”
As the dev team notes in the blog, adding Sorcery isn’t just a new class or way to play on top of the existing game, but built in as its own journey. Corruption is something you may hear about and encounter in the world, but if you too want to tap into the darkest powers, it will mean commitment to progressing down the path. This includes rituals and blood sacrifices too.
You will unlock sorceries by finding spell pages and combining them over time to progress. You can also take thralls and force them to research pages. When you perform Sorcery, it will alter your character's look with the corruption that you've embraced, and to some degree also lower your health and stamina. Yet, you’ll gain some of the greatest power.
Some of the things you may learn include Lightning Storm, Creeping Darkness, and the Call of Nergal, which lets you summon a giant bat demon to lift you up and travel, like a glider.
For more on Sorcery, head over to read the full devblog at Conan Exiles.