Dark or Light

Monsters and Memories Update Showcases New Team Members and Concept Art

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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The old-school style indie title Monsters and Memories is making leaps and bounds of progress, as the developers at Niche Worlds Cult release another update detailing what’s to come. 

The devs immediately introduced us to two new team members, Jimmy and Callum, giving us a rundown of their credentials. One of the key things mentioned here is the Stress Test that just concluded which, according to the developers, went better than they anticipated. They do mention there were a few tech issues that hindered some players' progress, but they made adjustments to help keep the game-breaking bugs at bay for the time being. 

With the announcement of how the playtest went, they also gave us a glimpse at some of the statistics from the test, including how many players embarked on the journey, how many total deaths there were during the test, and how many monsters were slain in the short duration of the Stress Test. 

The new concept art showcases different item icons, book/journal art implementation, dragon types, and several other concepts that have yet to be made concrete but it does show major development progress. In terms of the character art concepts, more armor sets have been added, as well as Gnome hairstyles and undead rat texture. Animations have also seen a few changes, meaning that there will be plenty to see and test out in the next playtest. 


Sam Plaisance