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Monster Hunter Now Season 1 to Add New Large Monsters, a New Weapon, and More Spawns Everywhere

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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Monster Hunter Now is getting its first season, “The Vernal Invader” next week, with new content, new monsters, features, quests, and more. 

Niantic announced the first season will add a new weapon, the Charge Blade, layered equipment, a new map feature, Invasions, a new season pass, and new large monsters. Odogaron, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, and Deviljho are the three new monsters being added, and you’ll be able to unlock the first two by completing steps in the Season 1 story quest. To unlock Deviljho, you’ll need to explore Invasions. 

Invasions are a new feature that will have volatile territories appear within corresponding regular habitats, like desert, forest, and swamp. From these, you can find large monsters roaming these territories. Once you are engaging a large monster that is roaming in one of these territories, you may get a surprise ambush from Deviljho that replaces your original target. This is how you will be able to encounter this brand new monster. Good luck.

Also added in the new season is Bleeding as a status ailment, and it arrives with Odogaron’s attacks. If you gain bleeding as a status ailment, you’ll suffer additional damage each time you attack or evade. 

The new weapon, Charge Blade, has two modes. Charge it up when attacking in sword mode, then switch to axe for massive damage. There will be new skills to learn this season too. A new Celebration questline with 16 new quests beginning March 14th and running through March 24th. Also during those dates, monsters will appear more frequently in all habitats.

Niantic is adding new and premium season pass reward tracks with activities like slaying large monsters, to earn some goodies as you progress. As expected, the premium pass means extra loot at each new tier. 

For more details on this first season, head to Monster Hunter Now.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.