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Take-Two Doubles Down on GTA 6 Release Date In Latest Investor Call, Which Is Increasingly Optimistic

During an investor call, the previously-announced Autumn 2025 launch of Grand Theft Auto 6 was confirmed and reaffirmed by executives.

FFXIV Team Working to Counter 'Stalking Mod,' Yoshi-P Explains During Live Letter Stream

The mod in question lets players see all of the characters on one account, sparking widespread anxiety across the community.

Mabinogi Mobile Launches in Korea March 27th - Will it Head Global?

Mabinogi Mobile is hitting South Korea in March. Preregistration is live now.

TennoCon 2025 Tickets Go On Sale and Quickly Sell Out

Tickets went on sale today (with some impressive VIP options) for Warframe and Soulframe's TennoCon 2025 event. Digital options are on the way.

 BitCraft Showcases Player-Built Roads and Their Environments from Recent Alpha

BitCraft has a brand new showcase featuring roads in different environments built by Alpha 3 players.

Open-World Vehicle Sandbox Trailmakers Shows Off First 2.0 Gameplay With Cool Guns, Wheels, and Mining

Devs for the land-sea-and-sky sandbox has unveiled some of the first gameplay details and footage of its upcoming 2.0 version.

Legendary Entertainment and Hasbro Will Develop a Magic: The Gathering TV and Film Universe

Magic: The Gathering is getting a new movie and TV universe thanks to a deal between Wizards of the Coast parent company Hasbro and Legendary Entertainment.

Pax Dei Previews How They'll Make Building and Markets More Accessible and Consistent

The  Pax Dei team gives another status update and preview of the upcoming patch. Mainframe details some new market, economic, and social features. We're also getting a compass.

TemTem Welcomes Its Final Patch That Makes The Game Friendlier In Retirement Years

TemTem is seeing its final major patch that allows players to have an easier time once it goes into what players often call "maintenance mode."

Steam Now Shares When 'Early Access' Games Haven't Been Updated in Over a Year

The latest Steam warning among many will flags when 'Early Access' games haven't been updated for a certain amount of time.

'Seekers of Eternity', Final Fantasy XIV 7.2, Revealed in Newest Letter From the Producer Live

Final Fantasy XIV unveiled what's coming in 7.2, Seekers of Eternity, which will be out in late March. There's also a special offer for FFXIV players who want to see more of Vana'diel.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 Opens an All-New Dungeon and a Remagined Naxxramas Raid

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 7 debuts a brand new dungeon and reimagines the Naxxramas raid.

EVE Online's Technical Upgrades Highlighted in New Post, With More Tech Deep Dives to Come

The "EVE Evolved" initiative focuses on bringing the game up to date with the latest technologies to make it perform and look better,

A Decade-Old, Long-Desired FFXIV Hairstyle Is Finally Up For Grabs

A braided updo has arrived in the FFXIV Optional Item shop, bringing a hairstyle that debuted in Heavensward to the masses.

Co-op ARPG Cloudheim Promises Physics-Based Combat, and Meaningful Crafting in a Destructible World

Set in an ancient Norse inspired world  that has seen better days, co-op fantasy action RPG Cloudheim blends physics-based combat, base improvements, and meaningful crafting.