With End of Dragons coming on February 28th, ArenaNet continues the flow of new info about the upcoming Guild Wars 2 expansion. Today, there’s a new preview video on the jade bot, a new unlockable companion that will help you out in your adventures.
We already know that jade tech is going to play a major role in the adventures you’ll have in Cantha. The frozen Jade Sea, the presence of jade tech mechs, and even the many ways jade is present within the technological advances all over. There’s even jade power in the new elite specializations, which you’ll be able to see with all of the green already unveiled around the new powers, but in the mechs and use of jade spheres.
So here comes the jade bot. They’re customizable companions that are fueled by similar jade tech to the mechs. Just smaller. And they’re going to be very helpful. They can scavenge, speed up your mount or your skiff, recycle items, andmore. Yet beyond practical tasks, if you equip it another way, it can come along and help you out. Increase your vitality or boost you up as you need your little bot to do.
The jade bots seem like they will help all players but might be particularly helpful for those playing solo. and it doesn’t hurt that they’re pretty cute. The reveal of these little bots should make whatever comes your way in End of Dragons a little more doable. And that’s before you can offload some of your tasks to this new companion.
If you missed it, Robin had a chance to preview more of End of Dragons, including New Kaineng City and the jade bot. You can read our brand new preview here.
For more on the jade bot or anything else Guild Wars 2, head over to the site.