If you’ve been looking for something new in Lost Ark, maybe the next Advanced Class for the Mage, the Arcanist, will fit the bill. The Arcanist will arrive in a week, on July 20th, with the next major update, along with another round of limited-time progression boost events.
The Arcanist uses cards to perform her magical abilities and her skills are broken up into three categories. Normal skills will deal damage and build up her specialty meter. Stacking and Ruin are partners, two categories that when used together, lead to her most powerful attacks.
If you use skills in the Stacking category, they build stacks on your targets and then when you follow that up with a skill from the Ruin category it will use those stacks to unleash massive damage.
In case that isn’t enough, you have the option of the skill “Card Deck”, which lets her use the card deck for attack and to charge up the Card Meter when those attacks land. When the meter is full, a random card is drawn from the deck and its effects apply. It’s not all random chance though, as you can store two cards in your deck that you can use and activate when you’d like. There are many cards that you can call upon in both of those methods. Some of these cards include:
Ghost Card - Ignore collision with monsters. Move Speed +20% and Damage from foes -50% for 3 hits for 16s.
Star Card - Recovers 100% MP. Remaining skills Cooldown -15% except for Awakening, Movement, and Stand Up skills.
Twisted Fate Card - For 4s, your skill Damage either stays the same or increases by 40%.
The Arcanist comes with two unique Class Engravings, and your choice will affect how your deck serves you, in addition to adding a card to your deck.
When the update arrives, there will be two limited-time events that will help you level up and gain progression for any advanced class you choose. Similar to previous events, there’s a Punika Powerpass to insta-level any alt to Item Level 1302 and the end of the Punika storyline. There’s also an express event that will let any IL 1302 characters, including any alt you just instantly brought there, to take on special missions and progress to 1370.
For the full list of the Arcanist’s skills, cards, and much more, head over to Lost Ark.