Even with all the raiding, glamors and housing to tackle, the most serious endgame of Final Fantasy 14 may just be fishing, one of the Disciple of Gathering jobs. None know its intensive nature better than the high-end fishers of Eorzea, and they love sharing their ocean of knowledge—so much that one had to “sunder” his 300-page guide about it.
TheFruitySnacks, a well-known FFXIV in-game fishing expert, has updated his fishing guide from a hefty 200 pages to a massive 300 pages. And to make the experience easier, they’ve “sundered” the book into more digestible sections, especially in consideration of those whose Google Docs pages lag as a result of the size.
The guide has six primary “sections,” per the Carrd that acts as a table of content of sorts. The first covers the art of fishing, and the rest cover the fish of each expansion, with the longest being for Endwalker at a whopping 90 pages. At the end, the “unsundered” version has a fuller few glossaries of both official and unofficial verbiage for the job and community. Plus, there are two additional bits, with one guide to building Aquariums and a YouTube version of the introductory content.
Indeed, fishing is one of the trickier jobs in FFXIV, but it’s rewarding for those who enjoy completionism. Certain fish require certain sets of in-game circumstances: time, weather, location, bait, and sometimes even dates and other unusual circumstances. Each expansion also comes with a slew of new fish, setting fishers fresh and old on new adventures to collaborate and figure out the puzzles of how to get the new watery inhabitants.
The full guide, including a link to the “unsundered” version, can be found on the “A Fisher’s Guide to Eorzea” landing page.
If you’re looking to get into it, it’s never too late. On the Reddit post announcing these changes, FruitySnacks announced there’ll of course be a Dawntrail edition. Or, it could tide you over before the expansion while your subscription is still running, once you’ve knocked out your to-do list.