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Marvel Snap's Latest Balance Patch Shakes Up the Meta with Nerfs to Alioth and Zabu, Buffs to Strong Guy

Casey Bell Posted:
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Second Dinner released a doozy of a balance patch for Marvel Snap earlier this week, with a number of changes that have already shaken up the game’s meta significantly.

The biggest hits in the patch came to the cards Alioth, Zabu, and Strong Guy.

Alioth, a card considered to be one of the more anti-fun cards in the game to play against, had his effect changed from outright destroying unrevealed cards to removing their text. To compensate, Alioth’s power went from 2 to 8, as he’ll now have to contend with the preserved power of the cards played into his effect.

Second Dinner effectively gutted Zabu, an ubiquitous card in the game’s meta, by only allowing his effect, which reduces 4 Cost cards by 1, to activate for the turn following his play. Stocks are up for cards like Wave, Hope Summers, and other cost reducers when it comes to cheating 4 Cost cards out now.

Lastly, Strong Guy finally got his flowers. One of the least played cards in the game since Marvel Snap’s launch has suddenly shot up to the top of the meta. Strong Guy received some buffs in recent months, but they weren’t enough to move the needle until now. His difficult to activate effect of +6 Power with an empty hand has been changed to only require “one or fewer cards” in hand. This allows him to slot right into typical Discard decks that like to use Apocalypse.

For more on the update, read the full patch notes here.