BioWare has had little to nothing to say about the critical "failure" of Mass Effect Andromeda (though it sits at a respectable 72 rating at Metacritic). However, in a new series of Twitter posts, Anthem & Dragon Age Executive Producer Mark Darrah entertained questions about whether or not Mass Effect Andromeda "got a fair shake".
Perhaps the most honest answer in the entire thread is Darrah admitting that MEA "is a deeply flawed game, especially at launch".
Darrah also opined that MEA's arrival on the scene was complicated by other RPGs that simply had features that, while similar to systems in MEA, were presented better. Games that released at or around the same time as MEA include The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nioh and Nier: Automata.
"As a result, even systems that are pretty decent get scrutinized against superiorly implemented ones" Darrah wrote. "Does launching in a different window turn 72% into 90%? Certainly not. 72 into 77/78? Maybe."
Darrah further goes on to say that developers are at the mercy of the industry and that they don't always have "full control over when" a game launches and "no control over when others do".
You can check out the full thread on Mark Darrah's Twitter page.
What do you think of his thoughts on Mass Effect: Andromeda?