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LotRO Devs Take A Stroll Through Next Legacy of Morgoth Zone, Khud Zagin

Joseph Bradford Posted:
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LotRO's developers have started to ramp up its preview push for the upcoming Legacy of Morgoth expansion, and this week, senior world designer Scenario took another casual stroll through a region, this time previewing Khud Zagin.

Khud Zagin marks the second region in the upcoming Legacy of Morgoth expansion the team has showcased, with last week's stream focusing on the new region of Ambarul. We stick to the desert climate in Khud Zagin, with senior world designer Matt "Scenario" Elliot taking viewers through some of the region's points of interest, landscape and even showing off a new weather effect teased last week: sandstorms.

While Ambarul was more of an arid foothill region, Khud Zagin is much more in line with what you might think when you hear you're heading to a desert. Scenario describes the region in the stream as "arid, but not desolate," though the transition from the more foothilly nature of Ambarul into Khud Zagin is striking. As someone who is familiar with LotRO's abundant use of imposter trees in the distance, it is interesting to see landscape stretch out in front of the camera and not be littered by those imposter trees.

The region also has its fair share of settlements and POIs, including ruins and roads that seem to evoke much of the melding of cultures that Umbar has become known for. The sunsets are always spectacular in LotRO, but in the stream there is something to be said about painted desert sunsets. Maybe it's the fact I live in a desert myself, and some of the sunsets we get here are unparalleled, but the LotRO team seems to have nailed that look.


Building An Expansion: Crafting the World of LotRO's Corsairs of Umbar

You can check out the full stream in the embed below. More Legacy of Morgoth previews are coming, according to the dev team, with streams every Wednesday for the coming weeks showcasing more zones and the instances in the future.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore