Tomorrow, the Lost Ark team will have its weekly maintenance, with several changes, including new tightening of trade rules in the ongoing effort to combat botting and malicious behavior.
One additional note about the coming downtime, which is expected around 12 AM PST / 8 AM UTC, is that the Lost Ark x Witcher collaboration event will end once this downtime starts. If you have any unfinished quests, trades to make, or anything else you want to do before Geralt, Ciri, and the rest of the characters and special location disappear from Arkesia, now’s the time.
When the new update does go live, there will be some new restrictions in place. These continue the Lost Ark team’s continued efforts against botting and scams. While some in the community think that piling on more restrictions is inconvenient at the very least, the issue of botting does continue. The team has shown flexibility in these restrictions, occasionally rescinding some of them from time to time, or refreshing their criteria.
Tomorrow's update will restrict players that have zero characters on their roster of at least item level 1375 (or higher) From selling trade skill materials on the market at all. This means that any newly-created accounts won’t be able to sell these materials, and if some try to make their bots level up some before doing so, it could give the team a heads up to catch accounts displaying suspicious behavior early on. Setting things at a minimum of 1375 for just one character on a roster should still give plenty of room for creating an alt.
The update will also fix an issue and make some previously-set limits clearer. Multiple instances where the info on token items was incorrect are getting fixes in the patch.