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Lost Ark Team Explains Raid Difficulty Changes, Downtimes, and Continued Work to Improve Europe Servers

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The Lost Ark  team is continuing to update on the top issues and what they're doing to help fix them  in these weeks following launch. Some of the issues continue to involve the still-busy Europe Central servers, but there are some things that the team wants the community to keep in mind as they work on issues across the game.

Since launch, there have been a number of downtime periods for  updates, hotfixes, and maintenance. They acknowledge that these have been regular and have sometimes occurred during either peak playtimes or happened rather suddenly, but they're asking for patience as they work to try and fix issues as fast as possible. We should expect the downtimes to continue as they work through everything from queues to glitches, and make changes based on feedback.

One decision that has gotten a lot of feedback recently is  the announcement that they will be tweaking difficulty for some Guardian raids and Abyss dungeons. In the update, they detail the decisions behind those changes since the announcement was met with mixed feedback and questions. According to the team, the particular raids and dungeons that are being adjusted come up in their data as having a low success rate of completion. Some of them saw under 10% of players complete them. The Lost Ark team wants players to be able to learn and improve, but they don't want the journey to be more frustrating than fun and lead players to give up. However, they also want to reassure everyone with that data that making some content easier doesn’t mean all future content will simply be made easier. 

Europe Central continues to see instability and queues, which the team acknowledges, and they’re focused on “improving game health and stability” for servers in the region since there is no way to increase capacity. Adding servers isn’t an option either. Matchmaking issues have been improved but not enough, so there’s a longer-term fix in the works (and being tested). Lost Ark will continue to have bonuses for those who want to move over to Europe West and start over. The latest being copies of Twitch Drops claimed before March 8th. 

For the full update on the known issues and actions being taken, head over to Lost Ark.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.