Lost Ark’s Saga of Thaemine is set to unfold this month, and the team is preparing everyone for the destructive, most powerful Legion Commander, starting with a new questline arriving tomorrow.
Before the Legion Commander arrives, though, there’s a prologue quest. Tomorrow, Dark Days will be released, setting up strange events in Luterra, which Thirain needs some help investigating. This gives everyone the chance to get ready for the Legion Raid that will be released in Lost Ark on April 17th, alongside the major April update. On that date, Thaemine arrives, with the raid in both Normal and Hard difficulties.
The Raid will introduce a brand new progression system to the game, Transcendence. The new devblog teases what is to come when you can complete the raid and declare victory. A win “will grant players the ability to claim new power in the form of a new progression system”.
There will be more details to come on the new system, how it works, and what it means for the future. Smilegate RPG and Amazon have worked together previously to streamline some of the systems, including around feedback on progression and grind, so it will be interesting to see what approach they take in introducing another progression system. Similarly, if there will be any tweaks to some of the lower-tier challenges to further reduce grind there.
After the April update lands, there will be a challenge for the most competitive, with a Thaemine The First race. The first complete in a brand new raid, especially one touted as a new level of challenge in general, is something the glory seekers are going to be drawn to. The Lost Ark team promises more details on this competition later in the week.