With Lost Ark recently delayed until 2022, the game's closed beta is fast approaching this week. The initial intent was to bring the game to North America and Europe but other regions have now been added, bringing an additional 34 new countries to the list of those that will have access to both closed beta and the future final release.
The new regions that will be taking part are Estonia, Latin America, and Oceania, and because this consists of 34 new countries, the team doesn't have support yet set up but will be working to add that in before the closed beta releases. Some of the new plan supported countries include Argentina, Brazil, Jamaica, Bahamas, Australia, New Zealand, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Chile.
Language support in the stores, website, and customer support will be expanded beyond the initial languages of English, French, German, and Spanish to include Brazilian Portuguese and Latin American Spanish. The goal is to get these languages added before launch, but there's still no definitive timeline yet. As for expanding the number of languages inside the game, because Lost Ark is a big new launch, in order for the closed beta and the final release to remain on schedule, additional localization won't be happening for a while.
When it comes to launch servers, North America and Central Europe have been confirmed according to the original plan and they will now be adding a South American server. South America won't have a dedicated server 4 closed beta, however. Oceania does not yet have a dedicated server planned. Since the game won't be region locked, everyone can pick whatever server works best for them.
For more on Lost Ark, including the complete list of new countries that will be supported 4 closed beta and launch, check out this update on the Lost Ark site.