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Lost Ark Details Anniversary Events Coming Tomorrow To Mark a Year Since Western Launch

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The details are here for the Lost Ark first anniversary events to mark a year since its Western launch. Tomorrow’s update brings the new PvP-oriented continent of Rowen, as well as the anniversary events.

When it comes to Lost Ark, if you’ve played for any amount of time, you know that the game is no stranger to the colorful and sometimes over the top. Well, the anniversary events promise a little of everything. The first anniversary event sees special birthday cards spread around all throughout Arkesia. There are three different cards to collect and when you do, you can collect gifts. The cards will get you weekly and roster-level rewards that include skins, card packs, and even some honing materials. Where do you get the cards?

  • Happy’ Card - Guardian Raids and Chaos Dungeons
  • ‘Birthday’ Card - Abyssal Dungeons, Abyss Raids, and Legion Raids
  • ‘Lost Ark’ Card - New Hot Spring Event

That hot spring event? Well, there’s a new daily involved, where you can get your hands on the card via a special event. The hot spring event will open up on even hours, and two teams will compete to score points. You’ll be armed and ready to go, with a rubber ducky hammer, and a goal to break the other team’s duck shield with your duck hammer. Or even to destroy the other team’s duck basket, where their stash of duck toys is. That colorful and over the top thing? It’s certainly something that applies to these events, and the community would expect nothing less.

There’s also a special anniversary login campaign offering two reward tracks and items like card packs, and gifts that could include the new Mirror Ball Bubble mount. In case what you felt was missing from your adventures was to travel around in a big disco ball. The update will also start a new Fever Time event with extra goodies on the weekends.

You can read the anniversary details, including the full patch notes for the regular content for tomorrow’s update, over at Lost Ark.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.