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Lost Ark Breaks Down What's In Its Founder's Packs For Upcoming Free-to-Play MMOARPG

Joseph Bradford Updated: Posted:
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While Lost Ark is free-to-play, this doesn't mean Amazon and Smilegate won't want players to crack open their wallets and consume. As a result, the developers broke down the different Founder's Packs players can grab for the upcoming MMOARPG when it hits Western shores in the Fall.

The Founder's Packs are your bog-standard add-on packs for free-to-play titles. You've got cosmtics, beta access gated behind the paywall, as well as even head start access at launch. Amazon's Founder's Packs will range players from $14.99 for the Bronze pack up to $99.99 for the Platinum Founder's pack, the only real different being the amount of in-game currency, cosmetics and other in-game items it'll net you in the free-to-play title.

"Since the Lost Ark Founder’s Packs have been available for purchase, we have seen evidence of people exploiting regional pricing through the use of alt accounts. Unfortunately, this behavior compromises the game economy for everyone as in-game currency is included in the Platinum, Gold and Silver Founder’s Packs. This hurts all players. To address this exploit, we have normalized the price of the Founder’s Packs to one global price (converted into regional currencies). We understand there are players that live in countries where regional pricing is important, especially for entry level participation, so we are now offering a new Bronze Founder’s Pack to give more purchase options to our players in all territories. The Bronze Founder’s Pack does not include in-game currency but does come stocked with core benefits like Closed Beta access, a 3-day head start at launch, the exclusive Founder’s pet, and more. "

You can check out the full details on the Lost Ark website, including seeing a few of the cosmetics and pets themselves on display. Lost Ark will release here in the West in the Fall of 2021, though the Korean version is currently being updated with the new Abrelshud raid coming on July 28th.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore