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Lost Ark Announces Start of NA-South America Region Merge and Upcoming Boss Echidna Keeps Her Name

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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Lost Ark has new updates on the announced region merges, which will begin next month. They’ve also got a localization update that hopes to settle the debate over the Covetous Legion Commander originally known as Echidna before a controversial name change.

The subject of region merges came up months ago as a way for players to have access to better populations at different times of the day. To bring regions together would help by maximizing opportunities for those active on particular servers a chance to play together. The first region merge has a date, June 5th, when South America will begin the merge into North America- East. However, when it comes to NA-West, that merge is on hold as the team looks for a solution to make sure that NA-West players don’t get bogged down by unplayable latency.

So, for now, they will continue working on that option but the complete merge will not happen this summer after all. The current plan is to continue looking for ways to do it, but after June 5th we will have a combined NA-East and South America and NA-West on its own for the time being. The team promises another update next week to let everyone on servers in the affected regions will need to know before the June 5th major merge happens.

Lost Ark also got a localization update that should settle some of the feedback they've received. When they were coming up with the original boss that in Korea became Echidna, they hadn’t yet settled on her final form. Set to arrive in the first Kazeros Raid next month, and featured in the 2024 roadmap part 2 video, the name had been changed to Ladon, which is from a similar mythological origin. Yet, the community weighed in, and Echnida she will be. 

The Kazeros Raid is coming next month, and the boss, whatever her name is, is still there to be a huge (but rewarding) challenge.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.