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Looking Back a Month - November

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com EverQuest II Reporter Phil James writes this look back at the events of the month of November in SOE's EverQuest II.

Overall a pretty exciting month... Over here in the UK, in November, we celebrate 'Guy Fawkes Night' more commonly called 'Bonfire Night'. It seems big fires and fireworks are more worthy of celebration than failed terrorist plots. Going stateside, November is the month of Thanksgiving, but from a gaming point of view, it's more than fires and turkey, it's a very exciting month. Traditionally, the pre-Christmas 'Triple-A' releases all vie for our attention and back in the day, before I was aware of MMOs, November was 'Tomb Raider Month'. But now, for 'Everquest II' subscribers like me, it is expansion month.

But not this year. We won't receive the new expansion, Sentinel's Fate, until next February. This delay is a small price to pay for an extra bit of polish, in my humble opinion, but that doesn't make for a good article now does it? So, what are we to do in the meantime?

Read Looking Back a Month - November.


Jon Wood