Dark or Light

Launch Day Interview

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood recently caught up with Disciple's Tobias Batton to talk about the browser MMO that launches today.


Can you tell us a little bit about what Disciple is all about?

Tobias Batton:

Disciple is based in a world called “Aphelion”. Aphelion is a real word that literally means:

“The point on its orbit when the Earth is farthest from the sun”

So, this world is extremely dark, brutal and violent. If you read into the lore there are heavy God themes that deal with abandonment of the creator and a fall from grace.

As a result you have a land of people that are recklessly searching for meaning in their lives and others that have lost hope and seek only power.

The game itself is really focused on status and skill. As you fight other real people online, you can dismember them, remove their heads, gain rank, level and skill. As you mature in the game you can create and manage a clan. Clans themselves are ranked so there is a lot of cooperation involved for serious players.

Read the Launch Day Interview