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Latest State of the Game Letter Published

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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WildStar Executive Producer Jeremy Gaffney has updated the official site with a new State of the Game letter. In it, Gaffney discusses many of the game aspects the team has been working on for the last couple of months as they most notable are "getting pretty close to beta-ready". 

We've been doing mass PvP playtesting as well for our unannounced PvP elder games - we've had matches of up to 24v24, but that's really small scale for what's to come - this is one of those things that we'll test with our F&F crowd, but really need beta-scale numbers of players to test fully. We'll definitely be inviting some guilds in to play as well, because we want really high-end gamers in there testing out the coordinated attacks needed for both raiding and PvP. If you haven't signed up for beta and given us your guild's contact information, make sure you do so we can get some great group tests going!

Read the full letter on the WildStar site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom