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Latest Round of EVE Online PLEX For Good Has Raised Over $26k for Earthquake Relief

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The EVE Online community is once again making  an effort to support those in need. Whether it was by giving up prize ships for a good cause, or working their influence, the result is a good one. CCP released an update after last week's launch of the most recent PLEX For Good campaign. 

This campaign benefits organizations helping out after the recent earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. Since the campaign's launch, the community has raised $26,140 that CCP will split equally between Doctors Without Borders and local Turkish nonprofit, Ahbap. Both of these organizations have been on the ground helping the people affected with medical care and a variety of supplies.

In a new blog, the EVE Online team detailed how members of the community got together to raise this money:

“Various capsuleers from different groups and across different activities within the community came together and organized drives and events. You gathered in a massive brawl in Pochven over the weekend and ran public community fleets throughout the week over on Twitch, donated extremely rare memorabilia as well as donating Alliance Tournament… ships from Alliance Tournament XVIII. It has been heartwarming to see this kind of solidarity on display in New Eden.”

Overall, this latest round of PLEX For Good continues the tradition of these efforts where the community has come together to help others after emergencies or for other charitable reasons. The creativity of how different people decided to raise the money not only speaks to what sorts of players there are in New Eden, but also the depth in EVE Online that makes this possible.

From donating prize ships won from Alliance Tournaments, to running community fleets, the community did continue to show why CCP has had a string of these successful charitible events since they began holding them.

You can read the full blog over at EVE Online.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.