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Latest Pirate 101 Update Takes Players Through Death's Door

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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A new chapter has been added to the main storyline in Pirate101, taking players to Death’s front door as they heed the call from their parents, who have passed on into the afterlife. 

The Spirit Mediums are no longer able to contact the Pirate's parents, and that’s because their souls have been taken by a mysterious threat. Pirates will now need to venture to the realm of Hades to face ghoulish and ghastly enemies that stand in the way of rescuing their beloved caretakers' lost souls. 

Alongside 10 new quests to complete within the main storyline, there are also several new items to collect. The Hades armor set comes with variations for each class and one that can be dyed to fit whatever color you’re feeling that day. A new pet, Orthus, will be there to keep players company as they traverse the unknown underworld, and comes with 10 variations as well. 

More into the decor and setting up the base to be aesthetically pleasing? There are 10 new housing items to spruce things up. Want to set the mood within the humble abode? There is now a Pirate Spiral music box that can play musical scrolls to get everyone into the pirate spirit. 

On top of the large-scale fixes, there are also a few smaller bug fixes, such as the Leap smash fix 2.0, the Obsidian Dutchman loot has been fixed, and the Jungle Crossbow no longer shoots bullets instead of arrows.


Sam Plaisance