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Latest LotRO Stream Showcases Upcoming Changes To Character Creator, Preview Of Upcoming Raid

Joseph Bradford Updated: Posted:
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The latest Cord of the Rings stream by The Lord of the Rings Online's Community Manager Jerry "Cordovan" Snook gave some insights into upcoming updates to The Lord of the Rings Online, including a look at the new character creator changes.

The weekly community stream yesterday morning gave players a ton of information, starting off with a discussion with Allan "Orion" Maki, touching on the damage mitigation changes,  balance changes, the new tech that allowed for a hotfix to deploy after Update 35 without needing to drop the servers, and work being done to Delvings for Annuminas and The Great Barrow and more. 

Crafting was also touched on, with Maki assuring players that the team is working on ensuring that "crafting has a role moving forward," with Orion noting the team has to address the issue surrounding essences, as well as potentially updating the way Traceries are "integrated into the crafting system." However, he does admit that the introduction of LI Ages that "significant harm" was done to the Weaponsmithing crafting skill, though the team is working on ways to make it more meaningful, with a focus on level 100 through the level cap in the "immediate future."

During this discussion, Cord was showcasing the new raid area, Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel, and eventually moved onto the upcoming changes being made to the character creation tools - which the team highlighted in the Bullroarer patch notes this past week.

"LOTRO is celebrating the uniqueness of every player! Our latest update celebrates individuality with additional character customization options for the Race of Men (humans) that let players express themselves in new ways. We want to make as many players feel represented in the game as possible, and we are introducing new character creation options for your face, hair, and body! We know there is more work to do to offer a wider variety of character creation options, and we will be following up this release with additional options in the future."

The new character creator now allows for a wider range of character options, from faces, hairstyles and much more. The update adds a "whole bunch more options," allowing the tweaking of everything from chin snarl to eye separation and height. The current character creation tool has remained relatively unchanged for 16 years, and it worked fine back in 2007 when The Lord of the Rings Online launched, but this update feels like a breath of fresh air if you wanted more finite control over your character's look.

Player Pontin Finnberry has an even more in-depth look hey posted to the official feedback forum, which you can check out in the embed below.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore

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