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Latest Development Update Details Frustrations & Successes

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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The Repopulation forum has been updated with a lengthy post from the development team to discuss both frustrations and successes in the past month. While the game did not receive an update recently, "a lot of progress has been made on the back end", though frustrating issues cropped up that pushed other planned development progress further back. 

The team has been working hard to identify and tune up a variety of scripts to bring them in line with the new game engine. In addition, some scripts are being rewritten from the ground up. 

Development also continues as well as optimization of all in-game assets. In addition, the starter island is being rebuilt, both in terms of asset / design and in terms of what developers hope new players will learn from the experience.

First major change that you will coming is that you will see embassies for all three Nations. We have gone back to JC’s original design where each of the three Nations are separate and individual. One main difference you will see later on when we redo the Faction system is that players will not choose their Nation at Character creation, but instead in game on the Island.

Visual changes will be the most dramatic at first. Instead of a single area that is very heavy to run, we will have multiple areas. Six to be exact. The player will start out in the REC Cloning facility and each nation will have its own area so you can learn about them if you wish; Players will still have a choice of what missions and quests to accept. 

You can read the full post on The Repopulation site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom