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Latest Dev Video Reveals that Even Dinosaurs Need a Place to Call Home

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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The latest Path of Titans video developer diary has been published, this time laying out the details of "Home Caves," or a place for every dinosaur to call their own. As is typical with most player housing systems, Home Caves can be expanded over time and through gameplay. Friends can tag along if invited, though there is a drawback that the party cave won't come with food and water. At least that eliminates friends overstaying their welcome.

While your Home Cave can only be directly accessed by you, inviting your friends to join you is easy! Simply send them a Home Cave invite and they will be presented with an option to join your cave via any Home Cave Entrance. Don’t hang out for too long however as your caves will not contain food or water! When you are ready to leave, your Home Cave exit will take you back to the world via the same Home Cave Entrance you entered. 

Path of Titans is an upcoming survival MMO where players take on the role of  a dinosaur. It comes complete with progression systems and customization options.

Check out the video below and leave your thoughts in the comments.

Learn more about Path of Titans on its official site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom