The most recent beta patch for Crowfall squarely aims at fixing a bunch of existing issues.
The patch touches on an issue related to a destroyed model of Barracks appearing to the be the incorrect size. Animation rigs for Stoneborn and Male Fae were updated. Additionally, mounted animations were also improved. Some other fixes include:
- Fixed an issue where sorting your Account Vault would cause all items to disappear until your next login.
- Fixed an issue where scrolling through your Account Vault would remove any checkmarks on items that you had selected.
- Fixed an issue where stronghold building and wall flash feedback would happen before actually taking damage.
- Fixed an issue where the capture decal in Fort buildings looked pixelated.
- Fixed an issue where resurrection light beacons (that lead you to Hero statues) could appear in random locations.
- Fixed an issue where items crafted with ground/powdered minerals had incorrect sale values.
- Fixed an issue where Caravansary stronghold buildings would completely disappear after being destroyed.
- Fixed an issue with floating assets inside of the Tannery stronghold building.
The patch addressed a campaign issue, a brace of UI fixes, and a fix to Confessor Hellfire combo power effects.