The latest patch for Last Oasis is here and provides several fixes and improvements for UI, PvE, and more.
Structures and walkers were specified in this new patch. Specifically, the panda walker was fixed where it was previously showing an odd number of water slots. Structures included a new Defensive Tower added back with the fixes and increased cost. Several issues were addressed with the Lumbermill sounds, harmful effects when you were in the Trade Station protection, and that protection resetting.
UI fixes were more extensive:
- Fixed zooming out Tech Tree.
- Added 3D preview for equipment screen.
- Fixed issues with rupu turret container placement.
- Fixed issues with picking up dropped containers (bottles, pouches, etc.).
- Fixed having to double click to craft.
- Fixed various reported issues with clan screen.
- Removed sounds when hovering over stuff with mouse.
- Fixed some tutorial text issues.
- Moved renaming walker to walker inventory screen.
- Fixed anonymous tiles not working with scout quests.
- Fixed interrupting packing/unpacking.
The patch also brought fixes and improvements to PvE, achievements, visuals, and controllers. The changes to controllers were based on feedback, such as clearer button icons, more settings, and more. Check out the full patch notes here.