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Last Oasis Dev Blog Touches on Community Frustrations

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Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The latest dev blog for Last Oasis provides some explanation behind the development process of the game, and community concerns.

To that end, the post begins with Producer Lucas Stannis admitting that this latest patch may likely not be what they community wants. He notes that the patch has actually been planned for a while, but states that more community input will be considered for future patches.

He then addresses the community’s frustrations with the marketing posts as of late,

“We know that some of the marketing posts have not sat well with you, and we want to make it clear that marketing beats and the development process are separate things that often work in tandem. Social media posts, devlogs, and participation in events are just as planned out in advance as development. So, don’t worry, development is still happening and will always be our focus, even if there’s an ongoing marketing beat.”

Stannis touches on the current pandemic which has shifted the team into crisis management mode recently due to technical issues. This resulted in silence from the team to the players. Stannis notes it’s his intention that this dev blog will be a push for “more consistent communication.”

The conversation swings to a roadmap, which is in the works and will be made available. No date was provided, but it was noted that it was almost ready to be revealed. The post concludes with a Q&A. You can read the dev blog here and watch the accompanying video below: