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Kickstarter MMO Starship Simulator Has Warped Past Its Initial Goal, Raising Over $375K With 10 Days Left On Its Campaign

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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The upcoming open-world MMO Starship Simulator has surpassed its initial Kickstarter goal with flying colors in just a matter of weeks. 

Having started the funding project on March 19th with a goal of $82,097, the campaign has gone way over the mark during the short time it's been available on the Kickstarter platform. Raising over $375k with 4,224 backers and still 10 more days to go, it will be interesting to see the ending number for the entirety of the project. 

The Starship Simulator project reached several major stretch milestones early on, and seeing as how successful it's been so far, one can only imagine the content held within. The space sim boasts immersive gameplay within the depths of space, where players will take on the Milky Way galaxy that is driven by real astrophysics. 

One of the key features unlocked throughout the different monetary milestones was the support of VR. This means that not only can we look into deep space from our computer monitors but see everything unfold before our very eyes in a fully immersive way. 

Another feature unlocked was different shuttles and alien structures, which bring an interesting dynamic to the game. The different vessels can be used to navigate space in an entirely different way than the mothership, meaning they are completely stand-alone and can have different features. 

The alien structures are said to be ships and space stations, where players will encounter challenges that include turning on the power and possibly coming across some creepy crawlies that have made a home within the vessel or station. 

There is no set release date for Starship Simulator as of yet, but we now know it will be both available on Steam and VR when it does make its way to the masses.