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Journey's End, Last Major Terraria Content Update, Out Now on PC

No timetable yet for consoles

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The last major content update for Terraria, called Journey’s End, is out now. Here’s what’s contained within.

The team cites that this update has been a labor of love and is available on Steam, but not yet GOG. As to what the update contains, it’s quite extensive. A new Journey Mode makes Terraria more accessible than it has been in the past. Additionally, several quality of life improvements have been introduced such as Block Swap. Now you’ll just have to grab the block you want to replace the current blocks, place that block, and be done.

The team also published an FAQ and discussed the possibility of being published on consoles, stating,

  • Journeys End is being evaluated for porting to current generation consoles (XBox One/PS4/Switch).
  • There is no timetable yet for a release date on Consoles.
  • Older generation consoles (Xbox360/PS3/PS Vita/Wii U/Nintendo 3DS) will NOT be receiving Journeys End or any further updates [source].

The dedicated server program will also be updated for Journey’s End, and will be linked in the release-day announcement.