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Jagex Responds to Feedback on Intentionally Polarizing Player Survey That included Tiered Membership Options

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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The RuneScape team is responding to feedback received over a survey sent to some players about membership and the potential for changed, or even tiered, membership options. 

The response came with a statement that aims to provide some clarity on what their purpose was in sending the survey and some of the info and questions asked. Given that Jagex  has vowed to incorporate the community in the development process through a number of means, this new statement makes sense.

The survey was not a true list of planned changes. They wanted to test the waters and toss out some potential ideas and also to inquire about what people find most valuable in a membership and potentially what might improve the experience. “By including a wide range of options (some of which may appear unusual or even contradictory), the survey helps us identify the specific elements that matter most to you”, they said. 

In fact, they say that adding some polarizing or potentially controversial, or contradictory options or elements was because they wanted to gather just what people felt strongly about, and what they didn’t want as much as what they do want. It's a safeguard, they say, to make sure that any potential future offerings “ are well informed, [and] respectful of the community”.  They also insist that they will make sure that any announced future changes will not impact gameplay fairness or availability of core content and features. 

Some of the changes that the survey explored were tiered membership options. Today's membership is an all-in model, and potential other options could mean cheaper memberships or expanded memberships that offer “more for more”. They don't really go into much detail other than "greater choice” to enhance the current base membership. 

Jagex did address a few individual topics. There are no plans for  in-game ads in the base membership or for greater integration of advertising in the game. Any potential cheaper membership option was not ruled out for ads though. Better customer support as a paid perk was also widely shot down and they say it will remain a base membership feature. Reducing AFK timers for non-premium players was also widely criticized, but they say that was more of an intentionally provocative question to understand player preferences.

The full response emphasizes  that no final decisions have been made, that the team is listening, and they will continue to keep an open dialogue here.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.