A long-time observer of the F2P sector, columnist Richard Aihoshi comments on the news that LOTRO will change its business model.
The title of today's column comes from The Wizard of Oz. Newly arrived in a completely unfamiliar land, Dorothy says these words to her dog Toto, then after a pause, follows with "We must be over the rainbow!"
In my December column that looked back at a number of 2009's noteworthy trends in the free to play space, I included SOE and Turbine entering it with Free Realms and DDO respectively. Naturally, I also wondered what they would do this year. In the latter company's case, we got a rather dramatic and very interesting answer when the announcement came out on Friday that The Lord of the Rings Online will convert to F2P in the fall, both here in North America and also in Europe where it's published by Codemasters. The change is also sure to be welcome by operators in other parts of the world, such as Mail.Ru in the Russia / CIS region where subscription is only a small part of the overall MMOG market.
I wouldn't say we've gone over the rainbow, but when I saw the news, the quoted words came to mind because one of my first reactions was a feeling we may have arrived in a land some will find rather unfamiliar, one where it's suddenly a lot harder to disavow or ignore the legitimacy of the F2P market sector.
Read I've A Feeling We're Not In Kansas Any More.