With such a huge release like End of Dragons, there will be a few remaining issues that the team will have to fix. Guild Wars 2 is no exception, so there is now a list of known issues that are affecting the expansion, as well as a full list of patch notes for the update as a whole.
Some of the known issues remaining include a last minute issue the team discovered with the remote control function for the brand new Jade bot. The Jade bot will still work but the remote control option is using new tech that the team was able to prepare for, so that every place in the content where you will need the Jade bot, the content is either something you can skip or has an alternative route to complete. They are working on a fix, so the alternative methods are a little bit rough, but they will work if you need them. This is a way they could release while still making sure that no one gets blocked from completing content for the problem with the bot remote.
Several issues have to do with the brand new siege turtle mount. The new mount is missing a keybind option. You can still summon it using the mount icon on the skill bar, but for now there won't be a quick way to do this. The siege turtle mount is also not getting the 100% Health boost when using Health Boost Mastery. It's only getting 50% boost right now. Also when dismounting from the siege turtle , your camera may get stuck. The team advises if this happens, to mount and dismount again.
Other bugs that are now on the list to be fixed include a cool-down timer not appearing after using Jade bots to place personal waypoints, a bug in the Jade Sea map that's preventing completed activities from counting towards your achievement progress, another issue where some players can't leave skiffs if a new member joins their squad, and more.
For the full list of known issues, along with the End of Dragons release notes, head over to Guild Wars 2.