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Iron Gate Focusing on Expanding Valheim's World in A New Look at the Mistlands

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The next phase of Valheim is coming. After releasing Hearth & Home about a month ago, the team's focus has been on bug fixes and support for that release. However, a greater focus on exploration and adventuring is coming, and there's a new look at the future of the Mistlands, the next biome update.

Now that the game’s first big update with building pieces, new freedom to construct, and a food overhaul is out and the community has taken to its new features, it's time to shift focus.  The team is shifting to both larger updates and several smaller ones coming. The new blog does go into just some of what they're working on for the Mistlands and beyond. They’ve got concepts and some early art for the Mistlands, in their expensive green, but they emphasize that none of it is final yet, but it gives us an idea of what things might look like. 

Some of the smaller updates that may come before the larger biome update (which the team acknowledges is a big undertaking in time and the work needed) will place something for the explorers in the mountains. Concept art comes via the Iron Gate dungeons master, Erik, so there's plenty of potential for discovery and some loot to come back from this adventure with. As with other big updates to Valheim, once the Mistlands update is ready, there may be an effect on existing worlds, but none of that is known just yet.

Iron Gate is filling out what Valheim is and what it could be, and this direction being centered on exploration and the larger world are promising. Right now, though, you do have the option to craft a Jack o'turnip for a festive touch to your new buildings and homes for a touch of our world in Iron Gate's Viking centered one.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.