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Into The Echo Heads to Pre-Alpha Testing in December - Urges Players to Apply

Steven Weber Updated: Posted:
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November is almost over, and the upcoming time-traveling MMORPG Into the Echo has big plans for December after they’ve announced their first pre-alpha test slated for early next month. The team at ETLOK Studios will be allowing only a small set of players that have signed up for the alpha into the game for the first test, so they are urging interested community members, not to delay and sign up soon if they wish to be selected.

We reported back in September that Into the Echo opened their pre-alpha sign-up on the official website. At the time there was no exact date specified as to when the first test would start, but now we have a definitive answer, the pre-alpha test will be available from December 4th through December 6th. Community members that have signed up and get selected will receive an e-mail over the next several days. According to the FAQ on the discord, Into the Echo will eventually be available on both PC and Console, but the pre-alpha will be for PC-only testing at this time.

Into the Echo is a time travel-based MMORPG that has been in development since January of 2020. Not much is known about the game and its development at this time, but some information could be gleaned from their initial explanation of their design approach, and the Frequently Asked Questions on their official discord. ETLOK has taken a strong stance against pay to win, pay for convenience and progress limited microtransaction monetization.

They plan for both PvE and PvP content that revolves around a time-traveling premise, though how exactly this works has yet to be divulged. ETLOK has proclaimed that their progression system is innovative, as it utilizes a hub and spoke pattern that aims to close the gap between die hard players and casual players by doing away with the linear progression system many MMOs employ. Have you signed up for the Into the Echo pre alpha? If not, head on over to the official site and do it now.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.