There is a IGN interview on the saga of ryzom,Producer David Cohen Corval and Lead Game Designer Eric Simon talk about how they are going to make the online world.
Here's a snipet of whats said:
September 11, 2002 - Atys is a living world inhabited by human races known collectively as Homins who often refer to it as the Planet Tree. In the distant past, the Primordial Roots reached upward and then spread out, forming the surface, which is called the Bark. In some regions, deep fissures were formed, subsequently filling with crystalline water to become pure, clear oceans, lakes and rivers. Other areas turned into grasslands or rolling hills dotted with lush valleys. Elsewhere, the terrain evolved into a verdant canopy, supporting life high above the surface below. In some places, the huge branches stretched even farther upward, creating towering structures akin to mountains. Nowhere can inert materials of any kind be found - no minerals or metals, not even rocks. And through every creature, plant and item, there flows a common essence called the Sap.
This imaginative organic environment is the setting for The Saga of Ryzom, a promising persistent state title in progress at Nevrax. Located in the historic Bastille district of Paris, the studio is working on its first release. In addition, it has concentrated its attention on the project, keeping a low profile in terms of trying to attract attention. As a consequence, the game flew below many gamers' radars, even those of serious online players, until relatively recently. Nevertheless, we've managed to learn enough about it during recent months to whet our appetites for more. To this end, we've been in touch with the team. The initial result of said communication is this introductory discussion with Producer David Cohen Corval and Lead Game Designer Eric Simon who have agreed to return with further information in the near future..
You can find the full interview here.