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Interlude Preview

Garret Fuller Posted:
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Lineage II gives us a look at some of the lands coming in Interlude. There seems to be a lot of places for players to explore.

Interlude is the next huge, free update for Lineage II offering the chance to take part in a game that has captured the imagination and reached over 14 million gamers worldwide. Forming a bridge between the Chaotic Chronicles and the future Chaotic Throne (scheduled for later in 2007) Interlude hints at what is to come in the challenging times ahead.

Interlude is scheduled to launch in April.

New Territories - Interlude

Primeval Isle - South of Rune Castle lies the mysterious territory of Primeval Isle. This ancient and primitive land was lost to the rest of Aden for years. This allowed many species of creatures, once thought extinct, to grow and strive untouched by the will of man. As time passed, explorers from the mainland found the island. Hungry for the riches they hoped to find, waves of humans settled on the island. What lies ahead for new adventurers?

Primeval Wharf

Located on the northwest corner of the island is the Wharf. Unless you possess superior swimming abilities, your best bet on reaching Primeval Isle is to take a ferry from Rune Harbor. Once you reach the wharf, you will be greeted by a host of humans, each pursuing the goal of claiming fame and riches. Here you can purchase supplies, find out more about the history of the Island, accept quests from locals who are in need of help, or for the eager to return to the mainland, acquire a ticket for a trip back home. For a price you can even summon fallen companions to you at the wharf.

Primeval Plains

Located south of the Wharf are the Primeval Plains. This vast open area is inhabited by Ornithomimus, Deinonychus, Pachykepalosaurus, and Wild Striders. Adventurers looking for a challenge can seek and try to defeat the raid boss "Uruka". Uruka is known to roam the southern half of the plains. Far to the south, you can speak to Orachochin. He can assist you with arranging a face to face meeting with the leaders of the reptilian Elroki.

Elroki Isle

Located south of the main island is the Elroki Isle. This place is home to the leaders of the rational and sentient reptilian Elroki. A proud and noble race, the Elrokians have mastered the habitat by learning how to hunt the ever present dinosaurs. Here you may gain favor with the islands' natural inhabitants by completing the tasks that they may have for you.

Lost Nest

Located east of the Primeval Plains is the Lost Nest. Here the sky is obscured by the seemingly ever-present cover of tree branches. The Lost Nest is home to Velociraptor, Arachnoid, and Pterosaur. Those looking for a challenge can also see out the fearsome Tyrannosaurus. As the natural predator of the island, the Tyrannosaurus should be approached with caution.

Sailren's Lair

Located in the southeast of the Lost Nest is the Sailren's Lair. The Sailren is a raid boss level monster that has survived on the island for many years. During this time he's collected quite a treasure trove. Do you have what it takes to defeat the Sailren, and claim some of the treasure as your own?

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