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Iceberg Interactive Takes Over Distribution

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Iceberg Interactive has announced that it has inked a deal with Masthead Studios to distribute Earthrise worldwide. In addition, the price has been reduced to 29.99 Euros or about $43 USD and the upcoming "Territorial Warfare" expansion will be free to all players. Territorial Warfare is expected to be released later in June for both boxed and digital versions of the game.

Updates and patches

As is often the case with MMO games, Masthead Studios has also been perfecting and improving Earthrise to a great extent since its initial launch in February this year. Included in the updates to date are greatly improved server stability and network performance, decreasing lags and improving FPS gameplay. Furthermore, various new and player-requested features have been added, such as auto-stacking, exploration awards and shared party experience. On top of this, the crafting process and the PvP and PvE balance have been further enhanced. A more detailed list of improvements can be found here.

Read more on Iceberg's Earthrise page.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom