Earlier this month, Nexon announced that it was closing the Korean version of Hyper Universe. It appears that the problem of a lack of a robust player community has been detected in the West and the PC version will be closing down on December 19th.
We're saddened to inform you that after a year of service, we will be discontinuing Hyper Universe on PC starting December 19, 2018. This was not an easy decision to make; we've worked hard to make this game as great as it could possibly be, and have poured our hearts into building out this unique cast of lovable characters. We're incredibly grateful to our fans for playing—none of this would have been possible without you.
While the game will still be available to play via the Nexon Launcher and Steam until we officially close, we will not be making any more updates. Rank Mode will continue to run until the service closes, although no rewards for Rank Mode will be distributed after November. Starting on November 15, 2018, the Cash Shop will be unavailable. Hyper Universe for Xbox will remained unaffected.
Read more on the Hyper Universe site.