Dark or Light

Human Intrest Story Contest

Alexander Chopra Posted:
News 0

Rubies of Eventide are hosting a human interest contest and they want to hear your stories.

The full article can be read below:

Rubies is a small game insofar as mmorpgs go, but behind every avatar... a human drama is taking place. Now Rubies of Eventide would like to hear your story! Did you find a way to talk to your despondent teenaged son through RoE? Did you meet the person of your dreams? Did cope with a difficult time in your life thanks to the support of your guild?
If you would be so kind as to share these extraordinary stories with Rubies of Eventide, they will reward selected writers each week with complimentary three month Patron access. Two winners will be chosen on a weekly basis and their stories featured on the main website of Rubies of Eventide for the duration of the week. This contest will run throughout April but people are still welcome to submit stories after April 30th.

To submit your story

Attach your spell checked writings saved as a Microsoft word document (or text file) to a support ticket directed to the COMMUNITY department of Rubies of Eventide which can be located here. In the ticket, please be sure to include:

-Your primary character name
-Your game account name (so we [Rubies of Eventide] can give you credit)
-What the topic is
-Any links to RL pictures or screenshot

Some ideas for topics include:

-Generations of your family playing RoE together.
-How RoE helped you cope with RL problems
-Synchronicity and Strange coincidences
-Finding love in RoE
-Finding new friends
-Finding old friends

To download Rubies of Eventide click here.

To view the original post click here.


Alexander Chopra