Hero Elections have begun in ArcheAge. Here’s what you need to know.
This will be the time for campaigns, drama, and more on Fresh Start. If this if your first time voting, there are a few things you should probably know going into the elections. First, note that both Haranya and Nuia can have six heroes each. However, Pirate can only have three heroes.
Additionally, hero ranks will begin on Erenor first, and then move to Ayanad and Delphinad. However, Pirates will only Erenor and Ayanad. Finally, remember that you have six votes. If you’re unsure who to vote for, the team recommends asking Nation Chat for some advice and additional information.
Finally, in case you missed it, Season 4 of the ArchePass for ArcheAge Unchained is live.
“A new season is upon us adventurers, and with it comes new rewards. Starting on July 2nd, open your ArchePass to the latest season, Season 4. Filled to the brim with a brand new pet, mount, and magithopter to make your own!”