A new mission has made its way to Helldivers 2, where we must band together to not only take down the Automatons but reconstruct their bodies for personal gain.
The new Major Order has made its way to Helldivers 2 today, and it tasks us with decommissioning more Automataons, but this time, we will be melting down their remains to procure a new Strategem. The MD-17 Anti Tank Mines is the name of the latest Stratagem, and this incendiary minefield can be used to blast enemies to bits on the battlefield.
This seems easy enough, right? Well, you will need to massacre 2 billion Automatons to finish this Major Order, and you only have five days to do so. This is a community-wide task, so it will be up to everyone to take down enough Automatons to unlock the new Stratagem, but luckily those who know their way around the objectives.
While this new mission will most likely be a lot of fun, there has been a bit of a rumble going on within the world of Hlldivers 2, as the last few weeks have brought review bombs galore. These review bombs were asked for by the developers themselves, as they wanted Sony to back out of the PlayStation Network deal that forced players to have a PSN account in order to play Helldivers 2, even if they played through Steam.