Get ready. The Icebrood Saga Episode 4 “Jormag Rising” hits Guild Wars 2 on July 28.
This latest chapter (free for all players who own Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire) will push forward from Episode 3 by expanding the Drizzlewood Coast map, offering an epic new meta event, and adding a new dimension to the area’s charr push-and-pull siege warfare mechanic.
As for the story, it looks like once the wall of ice in the north began melting, it opened the way to Bangar Ruinbringer’s Dominion armies. The Frost Legion began their march from the shadowy depths of Jormag’s domain. The story also introduces a brand new section of the Drizzlewood Coast to explore and control. With this comes a new, map-wide meta event that culminates with players directly confronting Jormag’s sinister power.
New upgrades to the United Legions Waystation mastery will grant new skills like the medi-zooka, a support tool for your allies in the heat of battle, and the ability to navigate the shifting intrigue of the charr conflict with a stealth action for mounts
Also introduced are upgraded versions of two previously-released weapons, the Charged Stormcaller set and the Empowered Boneskinner set. Additionally, a Frost Legion Infusion for your character to fit in with the chilly Frost Legion. Lest we forget, an upgraded “shiver” emote is introduced as well.