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Guild Wars 2 - The Catalyst Unleashes Elemental Power for Beta Event

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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The final one of the elite specializations ready for next week's beta event for Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons is the Catalyst. 

Catalysts are specialists in channeling powerful elemental forces through ancient teachings, and build up their energy through combat. In the introduction preview, you can also see the Catalyst wields a very large hammer. That big hammer, with close and mid-range capability, would be fun on its own with the elemental energy to power things up even more, but there's a twist. One of the other aspects to always consider with this specialization is the use of spheres. They also know how to concentrate power using the Jade Sphere to unleash the force of the elements on enemies and also help heal your allies. When you need powerful damage dealers to get in and beat back enemy tides, there’s a lot to like about this elementalist specialization. With the additional support element, they’ll certainly add value on a team.

This, of course, locks in the trio of specializations to try out and test in next week's beta event. The event begins on September 21 and runs through the 25th, which gives you time to log in, load up one of the beta slots on your account and give a level 80 Catalyst, Vindicator, or Bladesworn a test run. 

With the trio confirmed, there will be a special beta event preview stream over on the Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel tomorrow at 12 PM Pacific time. The preview will look at all three of these new specializations in depth as you get a better idea of what to expect when you can get your hands on them soon.

With End of Dragons set to release in February, this second beta event will give the team feedback for these three specializations. With a third and final event for specializations set for November. Find out more about how to access the beta and its conditions here.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.